Welcome to Big Boss Voting App

Your Voice Matters

We believe that every viewer's opinion is crucial. With our user-friendly interface, you have the power to cast your vote for contestants in various categories...

Daily and Nomination Voting

Stay engaged with the show by participating in daily and nomination voting. Every day, you have the opportunity to influence the dynamics of the house by voting for your favorite contestants or those you believe deserve to face the nomination process...

One User, One Vote

To ensure fairness and maintain the integrity of the voting process, each user can cast only one vote. Our system tracks votes based on the user's IP address, guaranteeing a secure and reliable voting experience...

Multilingual Support

Big Boss is a melting pot of diverse cultures and languages, and we embrace this diversity. Our platform supports multiple languages, allowing fans across India to participate in the voting process in their preferred language...

How It Works

  1. Browse and Select: Explore the profiles of contestants across different categories.
  2. Cast Your Vote: Click on your chosen contestant and submit your vote. Remember, you have the power to influence the game!
  3. Track the Results: Stay updated on the voting trends and see how your favorite contestants are faring in the competition.
  4. Daily and Nomination Voting: Participate in the daily and nomination voting to keep the excitement alive throughout the season.

Join the Conversation

Connect with fellow fans, share your thoughts, and discuss the latest happenings on our platform. Big Boss Voting App is not just a voting platform; it's a community where fans come together to celebrate, debate, and engage in the thrill of reality television.